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Monday 18 January 2016

We are called to be Courageous.

What makes us so hesitant and so embarrassed and so worried about sharing the Gospel? From the very beginning, from the commissioning of the Church we were called to be disciple makers, to talk about Jesus and to bear witness. Bearing witness and disciple making has been imprinted by Jesus into the very DNA of the Church. Disciple making is fundamental to who we are as the people called by Christ's name. We were called to be courageous witnesses of Christ. What happened?

For many of us fear happened. We have not spent enough time getting to know God. We don't know who God is, we don't know who we are in relation to God and we don't know what God wants to do in and through us. Because we don't know God, we have our own doubts and uncertainties. Our doubts lead to fear. We are afraid to obey God because we are afraid we will be found lacking both in faith and our witness of God.

Often our fear is compounded by the teachings of self styled christian "theologians." Too often they use God as a tool; an instrument of persuasion; a rhetorical device. Their teachings are thin, incomplete and manipulative arguments which advance social, moral, ethical and political agendas NOT the Gospel. Rather than risk embarrassment in challenging these learned authorities we sit quietly thinking we surely must have missed the point. We end up confused about God not courageous in God.

For others our human intellect has gained sway over God's intention; our pride reigns in our lives rather than God's purpose.

But here is the thing: Christian witness is not a matter of choice. We are commanded by Christ to share the Gospel - all of us - not just a select few. Jesus promised His followers He would remind us of His words as we had need of them. Our obedience does not depend on how clever I am but rather on how faithful Christ is.

This next point is important: Christ's followers are not called to argue, debate, dispute, disagree or defend. We are called to witness. Our response to challenges and denials of the Gospel shouldn't be "oh ya, well let ME tell YOU a thing or two!" No, our response must be  "Ya, I hear you. I have questions too. I know God loves us. I know God sees all and knows all. So, can I tell you what Jesus said?" We are commanded to witness - witness is not about opinion, extrapolation, interpretation or rhetoric. Witness is about saying what God said and telling what God did, does and will do - that is our assignment.

Witness is not an option. It is a command and commission we accept when we give our yes to Jesus. It is the job we freely accept as we are baptized into the Church.

Our choice is to follow Christ or not. Let us pray for courage as we now live out our yes to Jesus.

The world will be different if we are courageous Christ followers.

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