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Sunday 27 March 2016

None can deny

None can deny

Lent 2016 (C) 2016-03-26: Reading the Lectionary with my family
(I encourage you to read the full text. Hold me accountable if you feel it has not been handled well. It is what Scripture means when it says to wrestle with the Bible and mentally struggle with it and inwardly digest it.)

There is one fact that every worldly philosophy, ideology, sociology, apology, and false faith, science and doctrine seeks to minimise.

Yet it is this one fact that each worldly philosophy, ideology, sociology, apology, and false faith, science and doctrine fails to conclusively refute.

For there is one fact that no worldly philosophy, ideology, sociology, apology, and false faith, science and doctrine can ever cause us to deny.

"He ... Is ... RISEN!"

Alleluia. Christ is risen.
He is risen indeed. Alleluia! Alleluia! alleluia!

God of divine Love. You are faithful and persistent in seeking your people. In raising Jesus our Christ, fully man yet fully God, your Son from the grave you have broken the chains of sin that bound us, defeated the death that awaited us and freed all that seek You from hell. You fill your Church with joy, peace, faith and hope. You have rent the veil that separates us. The way stands open for our restoration to life eternal with You. For this we give you thanks, Father, Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. Amen.

We profess to love the risen Jesus. To say we love Jesus is to say we will take up the Cross, we will lay down our lives and will radically and sacrificially love those whom Jesus loves. To say we love Jesus is to say we will go into the world and bear witness (in thought, word and deed) of the Love of Christ.

For today's full-text click here