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Thursday 17 March 2016

The Way becomes clearer

The Way becomes clearer

Lent 2016 (C) 2016-03-17: Reading the Lectionary with my family
(I encourage you to read the full text. Hold me accountable if you feel it has not been handled well. It is what Scripture means when it says to wrestle with the Bible and mentally struggle with it and inwardly digest it.)

The way of the Cross looms larger today; the reality of the Cross becomes more present; the shape and form of the path Jesus must walk is becoming clearer. We hear the voice of the One theologians call the suffering servant in Psalm 31. In Isaiah 53 we meet the One whose anguish will bring Light; the One whose righteousness will make many righteous.

Our readings come with a warning. Be careful to see clearly the One who was made low to elevate those who would believe; be careful to hear precisely the One who tasted death so that everyone who believes could live; be careful to seek and know the One who was broken so that all should be restored. We are warned to pay greater attention to Jesus so that we do not drift away.

There is a great truth in that one statement. We are not paying attention. We are not concentrating on what is spoken in Scripture. The result is we are ignorant of the Truth and so we are drifting away from Jesus.

It is remarkable how quickly this truth becomes obvious - within mere weeks of persistently reading the Bible and really thinking about what is said, the nature of God and Jesus' work become magnified and clarified. If we approach Scripture seeking Jesus He is everywhere - if we really seek to know God, His nature is quickly demystified - if we ask what must we do to be received into the Kingdom, God's Love comes into focus and the ever elusive "meaning of life" is illuminated through the crucified and glorified suffering servant - the One we know is Jesus our Christ.

Being a Christ follower looks like something. Are we prepared to walk the Way of our Christ? Is it yes or is it no?

For today's full-text click here