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Wednesday, 1 March 2017

A mark ... A moment ... A meaning ...


Its not easy being Christian.

We talk about Christian Joy on Ash Wednesday. If we are so joyful on Ash Wednesday what's with all the dust and ashes on the head, the gnashing of teeth and the doleful remorse. Well - we have reason for regret and remorse ... but we have even more reason for Joy; that is the point

Ash Wednesday comes and it brings with it conviction! That ash cross. We remember who we are. We remember the dust from which we came and the dust to which we must return ... if we remain in separated from our Christ who freely hung upon the Cross. That sinners' Cross. "Well there's a happy thought!" It takes awhile to unpack but to those who know Christ it IS a happy and a liberating thought! That ash cross reminds us that we are God's children, we are ultimately dependent on Him and (best part) He loves us. The ash cross reminds us of our need for God and reminds us that God wants us back. And that ash cross reminds of the extremes that God has gone to, and will go to to get us back.

So often Christians are accused of thinking we are better than others - of being "holier than though." But the ash cross on our face convinces me otherwise. We as Christians are called to be different! If we are Christian we are set apart from the world living for God (the true meaning of 'Holy' - fyi). But sadly I am not that different - and its as plain as that ash cross on my face.

I confess the ash cross tries and tests me every year. I hear the words of Jesus "whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven" as I accidentally try to pull down my toque or wipe my brow hoping the smudge becomes less noticeable. I might even visit the men's room; you know, for a quick splash of cold water to revive me for the afternoon in the office which might (accidentally again) wash away that ash cross. I pray this year will be different.

Ash Wednesday convicts, it teaches humility - but it is the humbleness to surrender to the One who Love us perfectly. I pray this year that ash cross will bring each of us the Joy that comes with knowing our Saviour - knowing He died - knowing He lives!

Hear is a treat for you: former US Vice President Joe Biden on national TV one Ash Wednesday. "What's happened to his head? I'm sure that's what everyone's asking at looks like he's walked into a door!" But as you will hear - Ash Wednesday convicts us in all sorts of ways ...

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