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Monday, 18 December 2017

The Sword of the Lord: 16th day of Advent 2017

16th day of Advent
December 18th, 2017
Ephesians 6:10-17

"Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power."

I cannot remember ever not knowing that among the most loving acts one person could perform for another, was the act of sharing God's Word. In many of Paul's letters, Jesus confirms this as Truth - to share the Gospel is the greatest expression of Love. But, loving in this way is costly. Christ followers will be attacked; attempts will be made to stop the proclamation of God's Love.

Jesus tells us He is with us always - He does not leave us defenseless though He sends us as sheep among wolves. Jesus promises us the protection of His Truth and His righteousness. Living faith shields us and the knowledge of salvation guides our thoughts. All this spiritual armour is defensive - we will be attacked but Jesus promises to envelop us in His armor.

In Ephesians 6 the Word of God is imagined as a Sword. It then is what we must carry into the world both as a defense and as the weapon against darkness.

"Why did you so suddenly decide to become a priest?" That question and my response is a much longer conversation than we have time for here. But one reason was biblical illiteracy - I heard things being preached that seemed contrary to the Bible. Another reason we might call hypocrisy - I saw blatant, persistent and unrepented behaviours overtly contrary to Christ. Another reason, inequality - the condition of God's people was not as God desired, yet the Church seemed quite content with a worldly status quo. I realized that if I even had the Sword of God in my hand, it seemed corroded and dull.

If we are to love as Jesus loved and proclaim God's Love, then the Word of God, the Sword in our hands must be sharp, precise, clear and ready. We must be skilled in its use. We must be prepared to defend against evil words that are hurled against us, not with 'our' words but with God's Word; we must be ready and equipped to pierce the darkness.

I pray that in this season of seeking Light, we will all speak the Word with integrity, clarity, and accuracy.

Be blessed
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