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Friday, 8 December 2017

What's happening? 6th day of Advent 2017

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6th day of Advent
December 8th, 2017
Acts 11:19-26

Something was happening! The Gospel was breaking out of the synagogue. Light was bursting into the darkness, shining from Israel and penetrating deep into the Gentile world. Christians were courageously proclaiming Christ crucified, Christ risen and Christ coming again. The world was filling with the hope found only in fellowship with God the Father, God Jesus and God the Spirit. Jews and Gentiles were being transformed and were receiving Christ as Saviour and Lord. In turn, they were radiating out and proclaiming Light. The Church was being rallied, empowered, and mobilized. From Israel out, the world was blessed.

In Acts we see the promise God made to Abraham that "In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice" was coming to pass through the same faith and obedience God saw in Abraham. In the "fullness of time", after thousands of years God was bringing goodness out of depravity to bless the world - THE Blessing was named Jesus. Through Jesus salvation comes to all that with true repentance turn and follow Him. He came first to the Jews and now as promised, through the agency and work of the Holy Spirit in the free obedience of the Church, salvation reaches out to the whole world. God is faithful. This truth fills us with hope for all people. This truth activates us and moves us to share God's Love with all people. Knowing that God is faithful, gives us the courage (like our early sisters and brothers) to teach the Word, to bear witness of the risen Christ, and be ambassadors of our Lord.

Because God is faithful, just, righteous and Holy, we follow Him with confidence. 

All those who depend solely on God and live through Him will be like those we hear about in the early Church. His servants will be filled with hope, and be gracious and seek every moment to share God's Word and so live God's Love.

Be blessed

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